Sunday, April 8, 2012

Please Don't Feed the Animals

Welcome to the Big House. It's big and it's red. Go figure. It looks pretty charming and picteresque on the outside, but come in and please heed the warning: Don't feed the animals. And we mean the ones on two feet. They don't bite like the other ones but, dang, can they drive a girl crazy. Through crazy flute solos, chipmunk escapades, half-storms, pet hairballs, and other happenings of the Midwest, I manage to keep my wit about me and enjoy it, like a true cheesehead. And you thought the British were resilient. I may carry on, but keeping calm is overrated.
-Heartland's Rosalinda

           Now, don't take my sister too seriously. We really aren't that nuts. Of course we do have our moments, but I think most families are just boring. Besides we have  great fun here, like the loose chipmunk, and there is always great music, whether we are listening to our favorite artists or making the music ourselves. Both my sister and I have a passion for oldies, some of our favorites being Billy Joel, Don McLean, Journey, Genesis, Bon Jovi, and Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, just to name a few. Rosalinda plays alto sax and I play oboe, flute, and piano (yes we are qualified band geeks, the band room is the best place in the world) . We are also bona fide Anglophiles. Living in the Midwest is actually brilliant, and living in the country in the Midwest is even better. Adventures abound on Hickory Hill, and here they will be recorded. Enjoy!
                                                    -Miss American Pie
P.S - My posts will always be in this font, and my sister's writing is infinitely better than mine, so you will always be able to tell the difference.

My sister is a lovely writer, flautist, pianist and many other things, don't let her tell you otherwise.

-Heartland's Rosalinda

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